Okay, so i am absolutley in love with the bay thoroughbred that i currently lease at my barn. I really love him, and we have a great bond. he follows me around, he kisses me, and hugs me. he nickers to me when i go out to the pasture to get him, and he walks towards me too. Ive been riding him for 2 years now, and we have been through everything together. ive had one fall off him, and it wasnt too bad, but it was my first real fall. (i slipped to the side of a different horse, but it didnt hurt...)
Now, were talking about buying a horse. we looked into buying him, but alot of people like him, and hes used for summercamp alot. he's very valuable to the barn, and they want $4,000.00 The only problem? He's very skiddish (not with me though...), and he can't go on trail rides, because he has very tender and delicate feet.
One of my best friends is also getting a horse, and she lives on a small 7 acre farm, and they used to raise and sell chickens and sheep. theyve sold all the chicken, and the sheep, and we're putting two stalls in, and we have enough pasture space that we're dividing into 3 different pastures. the stall are going to be hughe, and we'll have a decent sized arena
the only thing is..i dont want to leave all my firends at the barn im currently at, and i dont want to leave Ben...
any suggestions?|||Ask to be a volunteer at the barn. Muck stalls, exersize the horses, groom them ect. If you dedicate two days a week to this you won't have to leave, you'll get a good reference on your resume and still have time for your new friend! I've done this and it came in very handy. It also helped me wheen myself from the barn I was at. Its been 6 years and I still visit every once in a while and I get to see the same horses I fell in love with being ridden by kids who love them just as much! If you ever want to get a job later on in life working with horses, volunteering shows your drive to want to learn more and it looks good on paper. So to answer your question, no you don't have to leave! Good luck hun, let us know how it goes!|||could you buy him and keep boarding him at the barn hes at? because if you did that then they could keep using him for summer camps and stuff and you could even get partial credit since you would own him. well good luck:) i wish the best for you two, im kinda in the same situation, well kindaa... haha wish you the best=)|||I cannot see that the horse is worth $4,000 as he is no good to the barn because he cannot do the trails. he is also skiddish.
I think that the owners know you want the horse badly and are asking an inflated price.
Offer them under what you can afford and in cash - see what that does. I say under because that gives you a chance to come up a bit.|||It's fate girl. If you have got the room, and a place to put him, and that horse is really worth that amount of money, it's time to buy. Don't let all of that stuff get to you. You won't lose all of the friends at your normal barn if you keep in touch with them, and maybe you could ride with them everyonce in a while if you meet up somewhere or even if you just get together without the horses. Whatever you do though, be sure to think everything through. This is a very hard descision. There is a positive and a negative to both sides. You could get rid of the horse, and you wouldn't have to buy him, you wouldn't have to worry about feed, or any vet bills or anything, but you would miss him terribley and you would probably never see him again, or you could buy him and love him with your whole heart and take care of him the way you really want to without any trail rides, and doing the stuff you like, but it's a lot of money and there are lots of ways where it could go wrong. It's up to you to decide it this is what is really important to you. if you can't imagine a life without him, it's definitley time to take him into your own hands, however if you can imagine moving on without him and looking at other horses to lease, it may not be so bad. it's up to you. I hope whatever desicision you make works for you and your horse.|||I personally have never had any experience with buying or selling a horse but here is what I think you should do. He's your best friend right? Never let a best friend go. If you have been with him through thick and thin and have had good times, don't let him go. Now, if you don't want to leave the barn your at, maybe you should make a separate barn for your horse. Right next to the other one. I don't know what your land looks like exactly but that would seem to work in any situation. I wish you the best of luck! God Bless!|||Everything happens for a reason. If you are unable to buy the bay Horse then there is a reason for that. Horses come and go, it's the same thing as friends. Every Horse you meet, you learn something new. You learn experiences and even make a lifelong memory. He'll always be in your heart whether or not he's really there. You will share new memories with your own Horse. Buying a Horse means that you won't have to worry about someone else's horse. Good Luck =]
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