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|||Keep doing what you are doing. Dont ever let her win :) Plan extra time for riding that way you can still get a good workout in after her little temper tantrums.|||You're doing what you can do. My only suggestion is plan for the battle and go for your lesson early.|||Are you riding horse through the gate? Horse may have a fear of gates. Maybe something bad happened to horse in the past. If horse fears riding through the gate with a rider on it's back, then you need to respect this problem. Beating horse will only cause more fear!!! Take some time out. Take horse with halter and lead rope out of barn with or with out the saddle on. Take a few treats in your pocket, like horse cookies. Open gate, walk horse with you on the ground beside horse walking through gate. Coach horse with pleasant voice when you get horse to walk through the gate with you at her side. (Not on top of her).
When she does what you ask pet the horse and reward with treat. Repeat several times a week. Keep it up through out the year. Soon horse will understand what you are asking and learn to trust you. Horses are like children, that can't talk you have to show them what you want. It's like sign language.|||As Parelli says, there is no thing as a sour horse, their just trying to tell you something. If you visit and go to solve my problem, then have a read through the ones on napping etc, I found it soo interesting and helpful, and it just made sense!
It sounds like you need to play the 7 games with your horse so they know your the leader, so have a look on google for them aswell (parelli 7 games) and also sounds like she's bored in the school, so make it fun for her! Loads of polework, transitions, circles, only a lil bit of jumping as they get bored with that. Maybe some games etc.
Anything they enjoy. Take her in twice a week for a lovely groom, then turn her out again. She'll start to associate it with something pleasurable.
You don't say if she's good out hacking?
But it sounds to me that she's a lil bored and lost respect for you a bit (you won't get respect by smacking her, horses don't understand anger)
Good luck and I hope this helps! =]
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