Saturday, December 24, 2011

I cant decide if i should return to wow or not :(?

im getin halo reach so il probably just be set with that all year when i do have time for it outside school an girls. but idk haha i mean i quit 5 months ago because well for one i never enjoyed pve or had time for it which is wows best feature for the most part. so i focused on pvp with friends. it was cool sometimes but i thought arena was dumb an i was geting tired of bgs overall, cus certain bgs now made it so numbers win every time. like it was neverr 3 on 2. it would be like 10 on 2 lol. i just felt like nothing was new pvp wise in lich king. since winterspring got old fast... im just not sure why to return to cataclysm pvp wise anyways besides just exploring the new world... and maybe leveling an alt but why level an alt if its not worth playing end game pvp stuff. since i hear altho im happy their taking out arena. the new world pvp thing is just like wintergrasp...ugh i was hoping it would be like in BC the sun isles daily place which was cool for dailies but also fun world pvp stuff :/|||If i were you i would not return to WoW. It is a huge waste of money. I quit like 2 months ago because its just plain boring now. I look at videos and it looks really lame. I can't wait for SWTOR to come out because that is what i am going to play instead of WoW. in the mean time i am focusing on life and school and sports and i think that would be a good decision for everyone playing WoW. Cataclysm is going to be a big dissapointment just like all the patches and like WotLK was...|||Dont return to wow, its to time consuming, it turned my best friend into a troll, all he did was eat sleep go to work and play WoW. Either try, Eve its a space mmorpg and you can train your skills while your not even online or try this game, its called League of Legends. the only way i can discribe it is like this. If WoW and Runescape had a baby Leauge of Legends would be that baby... heres the link

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