The only annoying thing about this, is that I am not aloud to go on a trail ride by myself. The person that owns the horse is boarding at these riding school stables, so I will have to adjust my times to fit in with the riding school's trail rides. I guess I will just have to tag along...
So.. could you guys please give me ideas to make the leasing even more fun? How much should I ride him a day without tiring him out to much?
And yeah... if you can think of something else which relates to me leasing the horse, anything at all, tell me! Thanks! =]|||Excellent news on the part-lease. Leases can be incredibly fun experiences because they open doors and give you opportunities you might not get otherwise. My first half-lease on a pony led to a full-lease on a Thoroughbred who became mine shortly thereafter. Leases are good opportunities most of the time.
On the other hand, leases can have their problems too. After my gelding died in June of 2007, I half-leased a mare for a while. Things were all right, although she'd been pretty much left to waste away in a pasture (out-of-town owner so she never got groomed and worked, etc) and I had to do a lot of work to get her back up to riding form and fix her dermatitis issue on her stomach. Oh, and she cribbed too, which meant I had to buy a cribbing collar myself. And after a while, her owner wanted me to buy her, and things got a little ugly on his end when I chose not to because I wasn't comfortable with the situation.
So not to get side-tracked too much, that's the other great thing about a lease. Even if it goes south and starts to turn bad, you can walk away from it, and find something that suits you better. So don't be afraid to remember that you have that kind of an option. The downside is, you can get attached to a horse and really love and care about them, but sometimes it's a choice you have to make.
Now, for you, I can't say how long you should ride since each horse has different kinds of training and conditioning that allows them to hold up under different circumstances. I have been on 6 hour trail rides before, and it sounds like you'll have the opportunity to go out with the riding school's trail groups (which makes it even more fun because trails with people who share your interests -- and who possibly become your friends -- are really great.)
Good luck with the lease.|||I don't know, really. If you don't want to ride bareback, then definitely don't ride bareback.
Why not practice what you learn in your lessons? Or if you don't take lessons, do some arena work like half-passing, and side passing and leg yielding which can help you when you're out on the trail.
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|||Find a friend to ride with this always makes riding and the grooming way more fun!!!|||I would do grooming days! They love to be groomed.|||I say ride for about 1 hour a day. Or 2 half hour sessions.
Or if the horse is in good shape two 1 hour session far apart.
I'm often left in the arena alone with the horses I'm exersizing for my cousin. Here's what I do to entertain myself and the horse..
Put all the jumps out and make a giant course thats only like 12 inches high!
Also walk to canter transitions are fun!
Bareback is great too!!! Ride on the buckle end of the reins.
Ride roudn every gait without stirrups including jumps and then do it bareback.
Get off and see how good a relationship you have with the horse wal away from him not holding the reins and see if he follows.
This is kind pointless if you ride western but heyho!|||What they said: make friends with the other girls there.
I have no horsey friends in my area, and though I love riding my horse, no matter where I am and who is or isn't there. Riding, tacking up, mucking out... horses in general are just more fun with a friend.
I'm going to be boarding my horse at this equestrian center after Christmas, mainly to take advantage of the facilities they have there and to ride my own in lessons, but also to make some riding buddies.
Congrats on the part lease! Those are handy seeing as you don't constantly have to be the only one running out to see the horse everyday, and a great alternative to owning if you can't afford to own one.
I couldn't actually tell you how much you should ride him everyday, every horse is different when it comes to that, based on breed, age, and what they've been used to. I'd ask that to the owner of him because they would be able to tell you more about that than any of us.
Enjoy that horse =)|||i started leasing a horse 2.
last month it was part lease but the other girl pulled out
it hits u hard doesnt it. getting a horse had been my goal for sooo long
i do dressage most of the time.
and do some jumps. make friends with girls there it makes it a hole lot funner
okis. well. lol my lease horse costs more than having a horse.
add me msn? we talk lease horses.
just b careful. i fell in love with my lease horse 2 weeks after i had him. the long i love him the harder it will be to let go.
do u have msn??
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