Property of JaVonta Allen 漏
Chapter 1
Location Supaiku Kami Village
As the final match of the Supaiku Kami annual tournament begins the crowd roars as the finals pit Kiyoshirai and his younger brother Hazori against each other. The match begins quickly as Hazori being the fastest warrior in the village quickly gets up to Kiyoshi without any difficulty but the armor of Kiyoshi prevent Hazori from doing any damage with his fist Kiyoshi retaliates by throwing a punch but it is dodged as Hazori continues throwing punches as they have no effect on Kiyoshi until as one of the punches strikes Kiyoshi a hole appears in his armor as more and more holes appear as Hazori continues punching but Kiyoshi continues to stand there as Hazori pounds him out of the fury of punches Hazori stops as the crow yells in excitement to see that Kiyoshi has grab one of the arms of Hazori which now has a dagger coming from it as Hazori is unable to move Kiyoshi now goes on the offence as he starts to punch Hazori who is fast enough to block each of the blows but the metal punches of Kiyoshi is to much for Kiyoshi as the pain causes his arm to go numb but he still keeps it up Hazori realizing he wont last much longer decides he has to do something. From the gauntlets on his arms the dagger begin to extended further out as Kiyoshi throws one more punch Hazori drops his arm and takes the blow straight in the face but with the arm he dropped he jabs the blade all the way through Kiyoshi and comes out the back of his armor the shock causes him to release Hazori arm but Kiyoshi's fist continues as the force of the blow send Hazori flying backwards. Kiyoshi falls to his knees as blood begins to flow out of the holes in his armor but the blood begins to drip less and less as the holes in Kiyoshi armor get smaller and smaller till the holes are gone. Hazori is still lying on the ground as Kiyoshi struggles to gets back to his feet he begins to walk to were Hazori is laying while walking from thin air a giant blade forms in Kiyoshi's hand as he gets closer to Hazori until he is standing directly over him he prepares to finish the fight by swinging the blade down onto Hazori but using on instinct Hazori rises his arms up and is able to block the sword with both of his daggers but it doesn't look like it will last very long as Hazori arms begin to tremble from the force placed on his already painful arms. As his arms begin falling to the ground he conceits to Kiyoshi as the crowd begins to roar in excitement as Kiyoshi is granted the title of the strongest warrior in the clan. And as the winner of the tournament is granted one wish of the village elder the crowd goes quiet as Kiyoshi asks that he be permitted to leave the village. The crowd begins to whisper into its self at the unorthodox request as the elders ask why he would want to do such a thing Kiyoshi looks at the elders and says "to become stronger" The elder's say that they must converse on this request. As the elder's leave Kiyoshi leaves the arena to go back to his home as his brother follows behind him as they begin to converse Hazori says you have won I guess that means you'll be living the village even if the elder do not agree Kiyoshi reply "yes" they arrive at there home to be greeted by there father who is steadily smithing more gauntlets for the warriors of the village. As there father sees them he says to Kiyoshi I heard that you won congrats. Kiyoshi say yes and I have requested to leave the village. His father looks at him and Laughingly/jokingly says well it's about time you began on your journey.
Chapter 2
Location Supaiku Kami Village - Forest
A few hours later a messenger arrives at the home of Kiyoshi and informs him that the elders would like meet with him. The messenger leads Kiyoshi and Hazori to the hall of the elders were they begin by saying that after considering his request they have decided that it must be denied as this would put the entire village in danger of being found and attacked. Kiyoshi says that as the winner of the tournament it has always been that the winner would receive there request no matter what it is. The elders raise there tone as they say that this request is too much of a risk even for one who has been labeled the strongest warrior in the village. Hazori responds that my brother has trained his entire life for the chance to leave the village so he can take on the greatest warriors this world has to offer. They order Hazori to silence as they are not speaking to him and they say as the strongest warrior it is Kiyoshi's duty to protect the village from attacks and not be the cause for its destruction and there decision is final. Kiyoshi and Hazori are led out of the room of the elders. They walk home a|||this sort of reminds me of legend of zelda ocarina of time but i still like it
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