Friday, December 16, 2011

How to get a dead octopus?

into an arena.

1. Steam/boil it

2. Wear really baggy pants

3. Put dead thing into a plastic bag

4. Duct tape it onto your leg under pants

5.Wear some perfume

I got this from a Red Wing fan I've met.|||Nutcases?....That's just pure love for the game.

When I finally attend a game this fall, I would do that, but along with the 5 hour drive, the hotel, game, and the beer, I don't think I could afford an octopus.

An octopus signed by Crosby, that would be cool. It would be better if he signed it after i threw it on the ice when we beat the bad we only play them during the preseason, damn scheduling!!!

Mike: I want to get to the home opener at the Joe against the Ducks on the the 3rd of Oct. But thats on a Wednesday, so i'm gonna have to go to a weekend game, maybe the 26th vs the sharks. I also want to get to the Feb 1st game against your Ave's.|||Lol or if your a man you can wear a woman wig and shove it up your shirt.. im sure it would work xDD just make sure no perverts try to touch you.. then there could be a problem.|||LOL. My hero!

By the way---did they smell funny? Like a fish market? Maybe even like a sushi bar? Hahaha.

EDIT: AHH, wait, wait---that's not as bad as the Florida Panthers fans used to be with the RATS! Ewww!|||I was just going to ask that question.|||why waste the octopus? cut it up and either serve it with some rice and some soy sauce or dip it in tempura batter and fry that sucker and call it a meal mmm mmmm!|||lmao, sshueman, you're really into seafood aren't you? lol. Yeah, I always wondered how you get an octopus into an arena. Wings Fan, you've never been to an NHL game?? It's like nothing you've experienced before, the atmosphere, the loudness, the craziness, it's awesome! Way better than any college or AHL game, I'm glad you're going this season. What game?|||You know I have always wondered about this too. Maybe the securty guards jus have no sense of smell. Erica. The rats in Florida were plastic squeaky toys, not real. Even though in the old Miami Arena. There was an occasional real one running along the ice. I am so glad the Arena is in Broward now.|||You might think a ton of girls in Detroit are going to the game, but they have no octopus!|||Dead ?? octopus. I guess that explains my problem.|||What's stupid is why not eat the octopus? Man oh man, white people have no clue about tasty food. Check out takoyaki at a good J-restaurant (no, not some Chinese-run sushi place on a Saturday). The throwing the octopi on the ice has outworn its usefulness. They should just toss stuffed octopi toys.

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