Friday, December 16, 2011

I am in search on an arena shooter game that I haven't been able to find in years!?

Ok, so this arena shooter I could play for hours, its not one that you have constant enemies and stuff flying at you, its more of one you are creative with. Its kinda like pixeljunk shooter but its for pc. You play as a little green spaceship and you can play more then one friend, the space ship has 3 main sections, its very small so don't think its this huge thing. Anyways, you have a whole crapload of weapons and stuff that you can use to destroy terrain and restore it. For example, one weapon just dumps out waste out of your ship and you can create a whole hill of green/brown waste. This game is multiplayer and I have been looking for it for years but can't find it. I really want to play it on the plane ride back to florida.|||This sounds like Wings or Wings 2...

Wings is pretty simple and features a green v-shaped ship as you said...

Wings 2 is more advanced stuff with many different weapons and maps.

Below i have listed some links, a gameplay video and the actual homepage where you can download the games. (Both are freeware)

Have a nice flight :)

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