Friday, December 16, 2011

Coffee Friday! If you owned the local arena, what would you do during these budget cuts situations???!!!???

Oh no! There are budget cuts at your local arena, %26amp; you are the owner! You decide to downsize some things in the arena itself. Please pick ONE of the options! Happy Friday!

1. You have to decide between having Coke OR Pepsi Products at the concession stands?

2. You have to decide to have all “organ” music OR all upbeat radio music to be played at intermissions, commercials, %26amp; breaks in the game?

3. Stop letting a local pee-wee league play for free or stop having 50 cent beer night on the first game of every month?

4. You have to decide to close down a bathroom or close down an extra stairwell (it would not be a fire hazard)?

5. You have to decide to drop an item from you concession menu. Do you drop hotdogs, popcorn, nachos, or buffalo wings?

6. Fire the Ice Girl Cheerleaders or the entertainment during intermission?

7. Tampax Tampons is willing to sponsor your arena, %26amp; get you out of debt, if you rename the arena to “The Tampax Center”. Do you do it?|||1. Whichever vendor is paying the most to have me stock it wins.

2. Radio's a lot cheaper, especially if you pipe it in and let the fans hear the commercials, news, and weather too.

3. Stop haveing $0.50 beer night (and start having $1.00 beer night) - the kids still play for free.

4. Close down the stairwell. I could sell those as seats to fans and they could listen to the radio feed while getting the cheers

5. Nachos - the rest are less leabour intensive and therefore cheaper

6. The entertainment during the intermission, I can always make money pimping out the Ice Girl Cheerleaders

7. Only after the cheque's no longer in the mail!|||1.) Pepsi, Coke is too bubbly and doesn't mix as well with Whiskey.

2.) Dead silence... You'd get used to it...

3.) Screw the local pee-wee league, you wanna lose half your crowd?

4.) Close down the damn stairwell, nothing makes people more irritable than waiting in long lines for the restroom.

5.) Buffalo Wings, the rest are arena classics.

6.) Entertainment during the intermission, thats when everyone goes to the bathroom, or to get beer anyways.

7.) NOOOOO, and scare all the men away... Don't be silly.

(Check out my question in the other hockey home lol).|||1) Coke

2)Radio station. It is cheaper (this is about budget cuts)

3)Stop the beer night. If the kids play for free, then the parents are more likely to buy tickets to the games in appreciation of that and buy the kids toy and souvenirs and food. More revenue coming in

4)Stairwell. Customers would mess the floor with less pottys

5)Wings They are the most expensive item to purchase for sale and the other three are much more staple items

6)Fire the cheerleaders. They don't need to be there. The intermission entertainment is usually kids games and everybody likes that

7)Of course. Money is money|||1) Pepsi. Everybody drink up, as I have been a stockholder in the company for 10 years.

2) Gotta go old school, bring back the organ. But the guy/gal can never play "Lady Of Spain"

3)Sorry everybody, but the kids have to come first. I'll make it Dollar Beer Night, still be a big draw.

4)If it's the Ladies Room, it could cause a riot, so the stairwell would go first.

5)Probably Buffalo Wings. The other stuff has enough salt to keep you buying the brews.

6)Ice Girls. Fans would rather have the T-shirts shot into the stands anyway.

7)"Come to the Tampax Center, and watch a real bloodbath on ice!"|||1. Get rid of Pepsi, I prefer Coke myself.

2. I guess all organ music then, it's too traditional to let go of.

3. I don't drink beer, but as the person above me mentioned I would not want to lose half my crowd.

4. Close down the extra sucks when you really gotta go and you have to wait. I know this from experience.

5. Buffalo wings.

6. Ice girl cheerleaders.

7. If nothing else I would still have my pride. Tampons and pads remind me of cramps...cramps = pain.|||Coke

Radio Music

50 cent beer night

Close down the stairwell





3. 50 cent beer-the fans would be too unruly

4.stairwell-i dont want people peeing on my floor

5.Wings-people would wipe their hands all over the seats

6.Intermission-nobody watches it anyway

7.certainly-the team would have to be renamed the "Wings"|||1.Pepsi.I would say water but that's more expensive then soda nowadays.Remember people "Evian" is naive backwards.

2.I love the upbeat music.I fall asleep to the organ music.

3.I don't drink but I have friends that do however let the kids play.

4.Close down extra bathroom.People don't all go to the bathroom at once plus I have a bladder like a camel so I can go hours without going so screw everyone else.

5.Buffalo wings plus saves on napkins as well.

6.Intermission got to go unless you're talkin about the zambonis?

7.How about the "VWC" or Vinegar and Water Center?

Looking back at my answers I'd be hated as much as Bill Wirtz in Chicago.No home cable games as well!!jk|||1. Coke- cuz I like it better

2. radio! nothing worse the organs putting people to sleep

3. stop have 50. beer night

4. Not sure how a stairwell closing would save money

5. Wings and Hot dogs...I'm a vegetarian and we (vegetarians) are healthier because we don't induce ourselves with animal fat.

6. entertainment- I have daughters and I think Ice Girls are degrating and silly

7. It would depend on my team's colors...If the team had red as a main color, I wouldn't do it...can you imagine a commentator saying (during the playoffs when all the fans are dressed in red " And tonight we have a sea of red in the Tampax!" ????????????|||Whoever gives me the best deal to be the sole sponsor.

2) Go with the radio stuff- cheaper than an organist

3Kids come first- up the price on beer a bit it will still be a deal

4) close the stairwell, people need their bathrooms if the are going to buy my more expensive beer

5) popcorn is gone, I can also save on the cleaning crew- that popcorn goes everywhere

6) entertainment is gone

7) as long as we are located in Tampa, the X in TampaX on the sign may burn out regularly though.|||1. Pespi, i have a feeling there is a lot of mountain dew drinking fans out there

2.Modern music, maybe no necessarily upbeat.

3.Keep pee-wee league and sell concessions then

4.Close the stairwell so people don't have to miss the game waiting for the bathroom.

5.Buffalo wings, i just can't imagine not having the other items there.

6.The cheerleaders, does anyone else think it's kind of awkward when they go out and dance and then get the pity clap at the end?

7.No but I bet someone would for the publicity. It would be hilarious|||1) Pepsi I'll say because Coke is a bit too sweet...Btw for some odd reason I always get someone drinking Pepsi next to me at Hockey games. I think they're paid to do that just so i could buy it.

2) I'd pick the Up Beat radio Music

3)I'll have the pee wee league play for free because i don't drink anyway lol.

4) An extra stair well...Do you know how long it is to get into a bathroom in ANY arena.

5) PopCorn

6) LoL the Ice Cheerleaders

7) LMFAOOOO i'll pass|||1) Pepsi products.

2) Gotta have the upbeat music.

3) 50 cent beer night. Let the pee-wee league have their fun.

4) The extra stairwell. Bathrooms are a necessity.

5) Aw man....popcorn. The popcorn's out.

6) No contest. The Ice Sluts are gone. They're worthless anyway.

7) No. There will be no Tampax Center under MY ownership!|||coke


too hard


popcorn, i hate popcorn

ice girl cheerleaders-they are pointless already

only if i owned the maple leafs|||1. You have to decide between having Coke OR Pepsi Products at the concession stands?

- Choke-a-Cola of course! The only reason for me to drink Pepsi would be if I were stranded in the desert.

2. You have to decide to have all “organ” music OR all upbeat radio music to be played at intermissions, commercials, %26amp; breaks in the game?

- The organ music isn't too intrusive.

3. Stop letting a local pee-wee league play for free or stop having 50 cent beer night on the first game of every month?

- Well, I am a recovering addict, so if I have to suffer, then everyone has to suffer. Besides, the kids put up a better game than the pro's sometimes.

4. You have to decide to close down a bathroom or close down an extra stairwell (it would not be a fire hazard)?

- Without the beer who needs a bathroom?

5. You have to decide to drop an item from you concession menu. Do you drop hotdogs, popcorn, nachos, or buffalo wings?

- Jessica Alba or Kate Beckinsale? Hmm, I could drop the popcorn I suppose, but I won't be happy doing it.

6. Fire the Ice Girl Cheerleaders or the entertainment during intermission?

- I'd keep the Ice Girls, can the entertainment, and to show my economic prowess, I'd cut back on the Ice Girls uniforms too. Hey, gotta save a buck one way or another.

7. Tampax Tampons is willing to sponsor your arena, %26amp; get you out of debt, if you rename the arena to “The Tampax Center”. Do you do it?

- Only if I owned the Lightning.|||1. Pepsi! I like Mountain Dew a lot..

2. Upbeat Radio that kinda guy.

3. 50 Cent Beer Night! 50 Cent is awesome.

4. Close down an extra stairwell..everyone needs to use a bathroom sometime during a game.

5. Popcorn..isnt that supposed to be for the movies?

6. Entertainment! We need the ice know what i mean. ;]

7. Yes! Sounds like a sweet name, LOL.|||If we sold real coke we might get a little $$$ out of it we can Higher Bob Probert as our poster boy.

I already play with my organ too much.

I think we should load up the Pee Wee's on 50 cent beer and charge admission for that too.

Close that stair well maybe we should put the drunk Pee Wees in it?

No more Buffalo wings I'm sick of cleaning the orange sauce off of everything.

I'll re-assign them Probert needs coke whores.

Yes and rather then towels I want the home fans swinging Tam-poons in the stands. And I want a big tampax stuffed mascot in the arena. And our goalies pads will "absorb" rebounds|||1. Coke.

2. Meh, organ music I guess.

3. Stop having 50 cent beer.

4. Close a stairwell. Need the bathroom shankings to continue!

5. Popcorn.

6. Sorry girls, you're fired.

7. LMAO yea I would.|||1. neither. Eau de la Toilet.

2. organ music stimulates the brain...i think why scientist/data analysts say that stuff is that it stimulates the brain because it automatically goes into shutdown mode.

3. i like pee-wee's so sorry to all the freeloading beer guys.

4. stairwell. people do not need the extra exercise i.e. the invention of the escalator, but a bathroom is a's either that or the bushes in nature.

5. i would drop popcorn...because NACHO NACHO MAN!!!! is gonna have my *** snipped by a mexican...sorry (joking spanish people).

6. I still don't know why there are Ice Girl Cheerleaders...was I sleeping when these people got their job titles? Fire Squad.

7. So when I fist clicked your question I scrolled down to the last question and saw tampons. my eyes widened, my stomach rolled, it's 3 in the afternoon i just woke up and want to have breakfast...and now i can't do that. lol. I wouldn't do it. I'd tell them to go and insert their willingness into another campaign option.|||1. Pepsi

2. Radio

3. I'll stop letting the pee wee hockey team play. The 50 cent beer night attracts more fans, even though it might cost me at first.

4. Close the stairwell, if it's not a fire hazard. The lines at the bathrooms at hockey games are epic...

5. I love nachos, and I love buffalo wings, and hot dogs are pretty popular. I guess I'll drop popcorn, I think it's more of a movie snack, not a hockey snack.

6. Uhhh, what entertainment? lol. Depends on what the entertainment is...

7. No way! I'm getting out of debt myself. I'm calling JG Wentworth or something, lol.|||1. actually would go with Coke, there is a reason most places do and its nothing to do with the customer, its all about the price. coke's products are cheaper, Pepsi does do a great job on individual item, 20 oz bottles and such, but the bib's are all coke. Coke also has the more reliable fountain system from what I have seen.

2 Radio, Health insurance premiums for granny is outrageous. Teenager pushing radio buttons don't even want insurance.

3. Pee Wee need to pay up, whats the saying cash grass something no body rides for free.

4.bathroom, also would be saving a lot on water and cleaning crew. screw the common people i got a bathroom in my private box.

5. no more wings. other three are staples at every arena and have a high cost vs profit margin, wings both take longer to cook and cost lot more.

6 ice girl, intermission is provided by advertisers. if the ice girls get a sponsor they too can stay.

7. As long as they don't add the slogan blood stays inside these doors. that would be to much for me.

so i was outside tampax center on day and you will never guess who i ran into, the red wings. Never guess what happened, owner gave me the team, said i had earned them, so guess got my wings and have the tampax center stilll, what a day. Guess its better then geting the blues huh|||1. coke

2. up beat radio

3. pee wee league

4. extra stairwell

5. wings

6. ice girls, yuck

7. hell no|||1. Pepsi does it for me.

2. If Rap works for basketball maybe it'll work for hockey.

3 Those little buggers can buy there own beer.

4. Close down the stairwell. The bathroom is a necessity with the 50 cent beer.

5. Sushi wasn't offered. but it'd be the first to go.

6. The Ice girls can be the entertainment.

7. I wouldn't be the first nor the last to go into the hole to make money.|||1. Pepsi

2. Can I play someone else's organ? fine dead silence..sub teachers pray for dead silence..ahhhhh

3. stop the 50 cent beer night

4. close the bathroom and handout Depends

5. popcorn the hoes!

7. The Anaheim Tampax Center: This Place is Filled with P*ssy!|||1.) Coke!! I think it tastes better.

2.) Organ music. It's classic, and I don't want weird songs played during intermission - Like Umbrella by Rihanna. They play that so much at Prudential.

3.) Stop having 50 cent beer. People will buy beer regardless of the price. At Prudential it's like, $8 but I see drunk people everywhere anyway! Plus, I want the little kids to play.

4.) Close the stairwell. You did say it was "extra" so it's probably not that bad to close it. People have to pee you know! The more bathrooms the better so people don't have to go far and can make it back to their seats quicker. And I hate standing in bathroom lines.

5.) Popcorn. Nachos, buffalo wings, and hotdogs are the best. Premade popcorn gets dry and icky.

6.) Ice Girls. Definitely. They serve no purpose. The random games during intermission are at least somewhat entertaining. The girls just walk around and do stuff in their skimpy outfits.

7.) Yes, only if I get to rename it Tampa X Center. If not, I'm in debt!! I'm not gonna have an arena named after Tampons!! Lol, Playtex would be worse. They make tampons AND bras.|||1. Pepsi - If I remember correctly , Quebec is the only place where Pepsi beats Coke...

2. radio music

3. 50 cent beer night

4. close down an extra stairwell

5. I don't know!!!! I'm hungry now!

6. haha easy one - fire the entertainment during intermission

7. yeah - the ice girl cheerleaders will be happy|||1. Coke. Pepsi tastes to sweet.

2. I'll flip a coin.

3. 50 cent periods and a small fee for the peewee team.

4. Sorry guys. Exiting is gonna get a bit longer.

5. Wings. Hot dogs, Popcorn, and Nachos are concession staples.

6. The Joe already doesn't have Cheerleaders.

7. Never.|||1. Pepsi

2. radio (know your audience principle)

3. ewww, toughie. stop having 50 cent beer. make it 51 cent beer

4. stairwell

5. popcorn (which of the four doesn't belong? it's the only "light" food)

6. get rid of the entertainment

7. never. there's a thing called pride. won't take a deal from Ex-Lax either.

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