Now before people up and say "who the hell is Nick Young and what Kobe is a billion times better then him" Remember Kobe wasn't as nearly as good as he is know. He got there through hard work and dedication.
Look at there rookie seasons.
Nick Young: 15 minutes per game ,7.5 ppg, 1.5 rpg, 0.8 apg, 3p%.400, FG%.439
Kobe Bryant: 15 minutes per game ,7.6ppg, 1.9rpg, 1.3 apg, 3p%.375, FG%.417
Now I know that those stats don't mean any thing but it does say that Kobe came a long way to get to where he is today talent wise and Nick Young can get there to If he works as hard as Kobe does. We all know how dedicated Kobe is to getting better.
Even Gilbert Arenas things this. I remember him saying it in his blog. He said talent wise Nick can be just as good as Kobe one day. He also said that the only thing that is holding him back is his mentality. He said Kobe has that serious mentality when it comes to the game, but Nick doesn't. He said all Nick needs is that killer mentality.|||Nick Young had enough trouble beating out DeShawn, Roger Mason Jr and Antonio Daniels.
If he keeps developing he will be a nice player one day just because he can score, but he's no Kobe.
I like Nick though.|||no nick played 2-3 years in college, if kobe played 2-3 years in college his stats in the NBA his first year would be like 15-20 points.|||no, that's too big of a shoe for Nick to fill.|||pretty much what he said...u give kobe 1 year of college he blows those numbers go from highschool players, where very few make it to college to all PROS where very few make it from college, thats a big leap|||Kobe was also 17 years old during his first NBA season playing in front of one of the biggest sports stages in the world.
He was also one of the most hyped rookies during his year since the Lakers traded their star center for him.
When Kobe first entered the league he barely tipped the 200 pound scale, all he was is a skinny kid with talent, high school guards pretty much NEVER get used to NBA's conditioning and as far as I'm concerned, only Kobe and T-Mac were high school guards in the NBA.
So Kobe was feeling 100x more pressure than Nick during his rookie year.|||No he will not do well for 3 years.|||I'm a wiz fan, but as I see it kobe is tall can be an inside or an outside, or do what he wants. Nick can't.
He can turn out to be a Derek Fisher, can shot, can play D, and can pass|||I thought that too, Arenas is likey to leave Wizards next year so it will be perfect for him to expand his game Just move Butler to SF and there ya go a spot for Nick Young to develop|||I doubt if that will happen.|||WHO?|||No. Kobe is a much better athlete and came straight out of high school and put up those numbers.
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