Friday, December 16, 2011

Should i ask my friend to use their show arena...?

so i took my 3 year old Paint hes about 15 hands and very responsive, hes dead broke just needs to be ridding more. hes a nice ride and if you tap his sides he goes, or kiss he goes. i have a snaffle in him, with My QHs old cutting saddle

So i took him to his first show and it was just a fun show and had these weird games. we got him there and got him ready. he pretty much ate grass all day unless we were going in. he went in the arena GREAT and we were the only ones that could go in at a walk and stand in there and wait till they were ready for us. Every time i got him into a canter and hed do a little buck as he was picking it up.

we did this musical tire thing its like the musical chair thing you go around the tires and when the music stops you stop your horse and get off and stand in one, you miss one then you have to go all around an try to get to it before anyone else. he spooked at the Camera lady and the music, and the other much larger horses running around him but he did really good other wise, we took second and won a hay bag. and during Key hole the lady was telling everyone "this is Cody hes 3 and this is his first show" and he stopped cantering and then Hopped forwardagainn and we got an 18 because of his little stunt.

so i was wondering if i should ask my friend if we could use her saddle clubs outdoor arena. so i could practice? i have no arena at home just a little round pen and the yard. i wanted to practice in the arenas sop that he could get use to being in arenas hes been in one 4 times total.

would it be rude to ask? idon'tt wanna ride with 20 other people. should i trailer Cody and my other paint (who's 4) to an arena that is an hour and a half away and rent it? the one that my friends club owns is outdoors and is about 25 mins away maybe less, and the other is indoors and and hour an a half away maybe more.

and if i do ask my friend what to i say? we arent the best friends and she always wants to ride but im training a 3 and 4 year old and wanna just ride and not worry about anyone else.|||You should ask...the worse she can do is say no. But like someone said, there might be an arena fee, or some issue with the insurance. So if she has to say no because of the insurance, don't take it personally, just haul to some more don't have to compete unless you want to.|||Its actually very common! Its not rude at all, but be prepared, they might have an arena fee.|||Around here we help each other. You wouldn't have to ask! Just come on down, but just say something like: Would you mind if I brought my horses down so we can practice together? They need some work, and I would love to hang! P.S. Southern Arkansas! (Justin Moore's hometown, and where I come from!|||I would just ask and be very polite about it. I don't know where you are from but I'm from Southern Arkansas and everyone knows everyone. And most of the time people are more than happy to help their neighbor/Firend out.|||If you know the name of the place your friend goes to call them and just be honest and tell them your position and see if they would let you use it. If not see if they know of anyone that does have a arena you can use. I am in the same position. I just call all kinds of ppl up and ask. Some arenas around here only charge for lights but otherwise its open to the public unless someone had rented it. But its only $10-$25 for the lights. It might also be a good idea to just bring your horses to the shows and not ride him in it until he gets used to the enviroment. Or if you do ride him in it just walk and trot it for a few weeks. He will calm dowm when he gets used to it. You dont ever want to push a horse to far though because one of you might get hurt!

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